“Whenever they speak (your name), they should speak (fill in the blank).”
“I didn't win without Scottie Pippen, and that's why I consider him my best teammate of all time. He helped me so much in the way I approached the game, in the way I played the game. Whenever they speak Michael Jordan, they should speak Scottie Pippen.” - Michael Jordan, Episode 1, The Last Dance
Reflect on this: “Whenever they speak (your name), they should speak (fill in the blank).”
During COVID, I’ve been exploring new TV shows. My ‘go tos’ of Frasier and Seinfeld only go so far. The influence of my Dad and brother who love sports led me to hesitantly try the show The Last Dance, featuring Michael Jordan and members of the Chicago Bulls. Hesitant because I’m not exactly a sports fan - but the opportunity cost of trying a new show with all of the other ways to spend my free time nowadays - well, I took a risk and tried the show.
From the beginning of the show, I loved hearing directly from the Bulls team members on how they successfully arrived at the championships, not just once but six times (think it was six, don’t hold me to it, again I’m not a sports enthusiast!). It wasn’t about one team member (though MJ’s focus on winning and excellence certainly propelled them to victory), it was about the incredible mix of talent, grit, leadership, coaching, and honing each other’s talents and skills in working together towards victory. Mediocre equalling unacceptable behavior. MJ’s magic wasn’t possible without his team members who let his talents and leadership shine.
Over the last few months, I’ve been reflecting a lot about the concept of ‘quaranteam’ - remembering the people who’ve helped me get through this period of staying at home. COVID has heightened the reality that I’m not an island and that this life is too complex to try to “go it alone” - we deeply need and rely on each other. My quaranteam includes my family and friends who’ve helped me cry, laugh, get perspective, pray and reflect, and encouraged me to thrive (not just survive) during this uncertain time. My Mom has talked and prayed with me almost everyday since mid-March. My siblings have graciously opened up their homes for time with family. Friends have reached out, checking in and sending encouraging texts and notes.
Snuggles before bed with “Bubbe” and Aunt Esther — MJ and Sebby, my niece and nephew.
Since none of us are an island, we owe a debt of gratitude to those around us who help us navigate, not just COVID, but the ongoing adventures of this life. Acknowledging those who’ve helped propel us to where we’re at, demonstrates humility, respect, and vulnerability. As a leader, it’s focusing on investing in the team, and evaluating how as a leader, we can leverage our team’s individual and collective competencies to accomplish whatever goal or mission we’ve set out to do and care for each other’s well-being throughout.
As the days, weeks, and months continue with extended periods at home, we’ll likely have more time to stop, reflect, and consider who our “team” is - the people we rely on to cheer us on, refine us, and point out how we can be better. As we consider the “Scottie Pippens” in our life, also consider who we’re being a Scottie Pippen for? Who are we helping, supporting and cheering on? Something to reflect on, in between zoom calls and whatever is filling our days….